KALIT SO‘ZLAR: Ilg‘or texnologiya, ishlab chiqarish, Hozirgi zamon ishlab chiqarish texnologiyasi, Mashinalar ishchi organlari, parmalash stanoklarida ishlashAbstract
ANNOTATSIYA: O‘quvchilarga yangi va ilg‘or texnologiya va uning ifodalanishi haqida tushuncha berish; o‘quvchilarda ishlab chiqarish sohalaridagi kasblarga nisbatan qiziqish uyg‘otish,ularda yangilikka intilish hissini tarbiyalash;o'quvchilarning yangi texnika va ilg'or texnologiya haqidagi bilimlarini rivojlantirish.
Abdullayev.A.N (2024). Use of measuring instruments. v international bulletin of engineering and technology (113–119).
Abdullayev.A.N (2024). A study of enclosed cylindrical and bevel gear reducers. Nauka i innovatsiya, 2(6), 148–154.
Abdullayev.A.N (2023). Methodology of problem solving in technical mechanics classes. Scientific electronic magazine "Science and Education". Volume 4 Issue 4 _yMqytgpgj1/view?usp=share_link . ISSN 2181-0842 . APRIL 2023 . 684-688
A.N.Abdullayev. "Innovations in the field of pedagogical technologies of teaching in technical higher education institutions" Republic-wide scientific and technical conference on "Modern research, innovations, current problems and development trends of techniques and technologies" April 8-9, 2022, pp. 336- 339 Jizzakh polytechnic institute
A.N. Abdullayev. "Universal stand for laboratory and practical classes in electrical engineering". Collection of materials of the scientific-practical conference on the topic "The role of young scientists of higher and secondary special, vocational educational institutions in the innovative development of agriculture". TashDAU, Tashkent-2016, 382-386
A.N.Abdullayev. "Development of production serving farms" problems and solutions to increase the export potential of the agricultural sector, to organize multi-sectoral farms, to develop the production and market infrastructure serving them, April 27 2019 TDAU