Kalit so’zlar: Xalq, millat, ma’naviyat, ilm-u ma’rifat, komillik, yetuklik, ezgulik, texnologiya.Abstrak
Annotatsiya: Ushbu mqaolada, bugungi avlod ham ajdodlarga munosib voris bo‘lgan holda turli fan sohalarini bilishlari, ilm sirlarini chuqur egallashlari, ma’rifatli, intellektual salohiyatli, keng dunyoqarash va mustaqil fikrga ega shaxs bo‘lishlarini chuqur anglagan holda barkamol avlod bo’lishlari haqida qisqacha yoritib o’tilgan.
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Эргашева Г. Б., Рахматова Г. Б. К. Некоторые вопросы обеспечения взаимосвязи методов и средств обучения в учебном процессе //Проблемы педагогики. - 2020. -№. 1 (46).
Ismatova N. B. et al. Innovative techniques and their importance in the learning process //The Second International Conference on Eurasian scientific development. - 2014. - С. 101-104.
Эргашева Г. Development of teachears innovative activities //Ученый XXI века. -2018. - №. 4-3.
Эргашева Г. The effectiveness of theuseof interactive learning on the lessons //Ученый XXI века. - 2018. - №. 4-3.
Эргашева Г. The effectiveness of theuseof interactive learning on the lessons //Ученый XXI века. - 2018. - №. 4-3.