Mahalla – davlatning zamini
mahalla, mahalla yettiligi, islohotlar, tashabbus, mahalla raisi, quyi bo’g’in, mahalla faollari, fuqarolar yig’ini, qonunchilik, kengash, konfrensiya, jamoatchilik.##common.commaListSeparator## neighborhood, neighborhood seven, reforms, initiative, neighborhood activists, citizen assembly, legislation, council, conference, community.##article.abstract##
Maqolada jamiyatimizda mahallaning o’rni va roli, mahallalarga qo’yilayotgan talablar, mahalla bo’yicha amalga oshirilayotgan islohotlar va ularning natijasi, “mahalla yettiligi”ning tashkil etilishi va unga qo’yilgan majburiyatlari oxirgi islohotlar va tahlillar asosida yoritilgan.
The article describes the place and role of the neighborhood in our society, the demands placed on the neighborhood, the reforms implemented by the neighborhood and their results, the establishment of the “seven neighborhoods” and its obligations based on the latest reforms and alaysis.
Mahalla – davlatning zamini. (2024). Modern Education and Development, 10(3), 7-10.