Mahalla yettiligi-odilona siyosat


  • Ostonova Jasmina Diyorjon qizi


mahalla, mahalla raisi, profilaktika inspektori, islohotlar, turmush tarsi, jamoat xavfsizligi, Uchinchi renessans##common.commaListSeparator## neighborhood, neighborhood chairman, prevention inspector, reforms, lifestyle , public safety, Third Renaissance.


Maqolada bugungi kun islohotlarining eng yuqori bosqichlarida ko’rib chiqilayotgan mahalla tizimi, u bo’yicha olib borilayotgan islohotlar va qabul qilinga normative hujjatlar, mahallada profilaktika inspektorining roli va vazifalari, u tomonidan amalga oshirilayotgan chora-tadbirlar haqida bilib olishingiz mumkin.In the article, you can learn about the neighborhood system, which is being considered at the highest stages of today’s reforms, the reforms being carried out and the adopted normative documents, the role and tasks of the prevention inspector in the neighborhood, and the measures implemented by him.


  • Ostonova Jasmina Diyorjon qizi

    O’zbekiston Respublikasi IIV

    Akademiyasi 3-bosqich kursanti

Modern education and development

