fanlararo bog‘lanish, texnik muhandis, matematik modellashtirish, funksional bog‘lanish, umumiy metodologiya, dialektik-materialistik, ob’ektiv voqelik, tabiiy-ilmiy, oliy matematika, hisoblash-o‘lchash., interdisciplinary connection, technical engineer, mathematical modeling, functional connection, general methodology, dialectical-materialistic, objective reality, natural-scientific, higher mathematics, calculation-measuremen natural-scientific cycle.Abstract
Ushbu maqolada texnik muhandis kadrlar tayyorlashda fanlar orasidagi bog‘lanishning dasturiy ta’minotning mazmun moxiyati yoritib berilgan. Fanlar orasidagi bog‘lanishning dasturiy ta’minotini ta’minlash o‘qitish metodlari va shakllarining turli-tumanligi bilan ajralib turadi. Bu esa texnik muhandislarni o‘quv-bilish faoliyati bilan muhandislarning o‘qitish faoliyatining o‘zaro bog‘lanishi asosini tashkil qiladi. O‘qitishda fanlararo bog‘lanishni amalga oshirish muammosining yuzaga kelishi tarixiy nuqtai nazardan ta’lim jarayonining muhandislarning ongida real dunyoning turli hodisalari to‘g‘risidagi bilimlarni alohida tizimli shakllantirishga yordam beradigan tuzilmaviy predmeti sababli paydo bo‘lgan.
The phenomenon of interdisciplinarity is multidimensional. It is distinguished by the versatility of its content, the variety of teaching methods and forms. This forms the basis for the interconnection of the training activities of technical engineers and the training activities of engineers. The emergence of the problem of interdisciplinary connection in education arose from a historical point of view due to the structural subject of the educational process, which helps in the separate systematic formation of knowledge about various phenomena of the real world in the minds of technical engineers.
The use of mathematical modeling in natural sciences allows solving a large number of issues related to calculation, determining functional relationships between quantities, graphic interpretation of relationships, and modeling of phenomena and processes occurring in nature and technology. Clarify definitions from mathematical modeling and eliminate undefined and multi-valued statements, create a clear internal logical structure of various issues of a natural-scientific nature, establish and form experimentally proven connections, and distinguish the important from the insignificant. allows to simplify the content of problems with li.